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Carolina Quintana, UNCTAD, highlighted that the synergies of cultural and creative industries and sustainability can lead to new business opportunities in Macao. friendly cultural places and products and services to visitors. Macao needs to increase innovation and investment and have capabilities of extensive connections with the global resources, said Prof. Jian Hua, researcher of Culture Industry Research Center in Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.
as once in a lifetime innovation project. green One Belt one Road Initiative. to improve the success of innovation projects. brand of cultural tourism can be fully activated, Ms. Xu Xiu Ju, Director of School of Arts, Macao Polytechnic Institute. speaking countries and in South East Asia, said Prof.
Dean of Institute of Cultural Industries, Peking University. Macau is widely renowned to be a region rich in history and heritage. It is the wonderland, in this part of China, for many architects and students of urban and architectural design, Mr. Jose Sales Marques, President of Creative Macao.
The Founder of CHESSMAN, Mr. Chong Cho Lam, a production house but also a superior provider of stage entertainment production, artist management as well as film and video production in Macao, shared his practical experience in working with a number of renowned local singers and songwriters to cultivate a new generation of Macao singers. historical and cultural heritage. Liou, Weig Gong, Associate Professor at SooChow Universtisy, Dep. Of Sociology and who once worked for the Taipei City Government of Cultural Affairs Bureau, shared the experience of Taiwan in developing its creative capacities and also addressed the issues of cultural sociology and sociology of consumption.
Gu Qing Yang, Associate Professor of the Lee Kua Yew School of Public Policy of National University of Singapore, shared his research on public policy and urban development, stressing the importance of encouraging the creative imagination in the public and local community areas. Centre of Excellence for the Culture and Creative Industries, focused on the importance of cultural statistics and monitoring, cultural employments, and status of artists. Maison Nuno Gama, shared his experience about the creation process and implementation of brand development and challenges as creative manager in Portugal. Chu, Cheik Son, Chairman of Macao Designer Association, introduced the important role of the center in promoting creative and energetic design in the city, and in providing designers with the creative space for their work. good designer should not just cater to the market, but play a more active role to bring about innovation.
Zhu, Shun Long, Professor of Heritage and Museology at Fudan University, shared his experience in museum management, exhibition planning, museum construction, cultural heritage preservation and other current Research Projects such as standard for museum exhibition design? und Kreativwirtschaft der Bundesregierung. und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes veranstaltete im vergangenen September eine internationale wissenschaftliche Fachkonferenz im Bundeswirtschaftsministerium mit Gästen aus verschiedenen Ländern. Welche Impulse setzt der Markt?
Welche Rolle hat der Staat? Diskussion am Donnerstag, den 2017, 12. Erfolgreiche Innovationen sind immer mehr nichttechnischer Natur. Dezember 2016 die Ergebnisse einer umfassenden Studie. Labore entstehen, verspricht sie interessante Ergebnisse. Der aktuelle Monitoringbericht 2016 setzt das Monitoring der vergangenen Jahre fort.
und Kreativwirtschaft für die Gesamtwirtschaft und stellt die Entwicklung wirtschaftlicher Kennzahlen für den Zeitraum 2010 bis 2015 dar. und Kreativwirtschaft in Deutschland. und Kreativwirtschaft 2016 am 23. September 2016 in Berlin. Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen hin. Der Bewerbungsschluss ist Dienstag, der 2017.
Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Formen und Strategien verschiedener Länder zur Kreativwirtschaft zu vergleichen und Empfehlungen für die deutsche Außenkulturpolitik zu entwickeln.